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Sunday, September 11, 2011

The memory embedded in America one decade later: The 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks

“Where were you on September 11, 2001?” is a question that many individuals, who were of age at the time, can answer in immense detail. The memory still remains embedded in the minds of those who may have witnessed the horrific scene of the planes striking the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, those who ran up the street of Manhattan after the buildings’ collapse to escape the smothering smoke and ash or even those who were spectators of this fateful occurrence via-television.

Freshman Kristin Shackleton was in her 3rd grade classroom in Illinois at the time of the attacks in 2001.

“A teacher came in to explain [what had happened],” Shackleton said. “I was extremely confused.”
Shackleton said she saw the plane hit the building on the TV when she got home. At the time, she truly thought it was closer to home than it actually was.
Senior Sydney Brown was in Bloomfield, Connecticut 10 years ago, sitting in her 6th grade Social Studies class.

“I remember my teacher found out and started crying,” Brown said. “I didn’t understand and I couldn’t even grasp it.”

At that time, Brown had never been to New York and so the occurrence of a terrorist attack was something that she couldn’t entirely comprehend. Years later, she began meeting different people from New York and was exposed to other points of views and received a brand new insight of that unforgettable day in 2001.

“It could have easily been me,” Brown said. “Those people were just as innocent. It makes you think—to really live your life and keep yourself in check.”

In honor of the 10th anniversary of the September 11 Terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, there will be a Remembrance/Memorial Service in the Social Room of the John J. Cox Student Center at 6 p.m. tonight.

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